Thursday, September 23, 2010
So Sorry, this ones for you.
I have not written to you in a while, and I am sorry for this. I have meant to many times, but every time I think about actually doing so, I am overcome by exhaustion and the impossibility of sitting quietly with my thoughts for an extended period of time it seems like too much for me to handle.
That being said, here I am now, hoping to make amends for this lapse in time by writing a thorough, or as much as I can muster, summary of my where abouts and doings of the past few weeks.
I live in a two bedroom, one shower room, and a large salon house in the Mt.’s of The Mandara Mt. Range. The town is composed of approximately 1500 inhabitants and is nestled between Mogode to the North, and Rhumsiki to the South. I wake every morning to the sound of donkeys crying and frogs singing. There is a constant choir of insects that lasts most of the day, but increases in volume as soon as the sun begins to set.
I wake everyday at the same time, 6:00am like a clock…I no longer use my alarm clock, I couldn’t see the point anymore.
My months are currently filled with waiting to get my next paycheck. These are small but important milestones to me; every paycheck signifies another month gone by. At first I was excited by the opportunity to live in a small community, I had been told, that volunteers in the bush were better equipped to save their paychecks, since there is nothing to really buy, restaurants to go to, bars to drink beer in, or night clubs to distract one from their work. I have quickly learned that I was not entirely informed of the situation with living this far from the city.
I have borrowed 50,000 FCFA from a good friend due to my lack of funds at the moment, and am amazed at how much the other volunteers have accumulated in the short time we have been at post, mostly because I am now -50,000FCFA, which is a little worrisome. I spend almost all of my money on transportation and food, but for every tomato or onion I buy, I am spending ten fold in transportation to get to said onions and tomatoes.
I would like to say that I am happy here, but as of now, I guess I am a little sad. The problem started with my counterpart not moving to my town leading to me becoming somewhat, or entirely a hermit in my giant compound. I feel that it is a necessity for a volunteer to have this liaison between them and the community, ultimately, I just want someone to hold my hand everyday. With this, the association I am associated with has yet to open an office in my town leaving me wondering when I will be able to start work with the association that I have not heard from since site visit (July).
On the upside…!
I know the above is kind of a downer, and I am not trying to purposefully bum anyone out so bare with me a bit longer.
I have been able to successfully make many loaves of various kinds of bread, mashed potatoes, tortillas, salsa, and in the near future I will be producing my own cheese!!
As you know, I am an avid cooker and being able to entertain myself with these little projects gets me through each day with a smile on my face.
I currently fill my weeks by searching for foods at local community farmers markets, although the selection is limited; there is always a plethora of people to talk to and a multitude of languages to encounter. I have, since my arrival, visited the markets of: Rhumsiki, Mogode, Mokolo, Maroua, and my home town Gouria.
*As a side note: Gouria only sells locally made millet wine and manioc roots…this was not told to me my first week and I patiently waited for “market” day, only to be left all too hungry. I ended up walking down the road of my village, after having not ate for 24 hours, looking for somebody to help my. Luckily my landlord found me and drove me the 1 ½ hours to the market in Mokolo where I was able to find food, and lots of it.
My days are currently filled with apprehension and fear. This sounds worse that it feels, but I think this is the best way to describe it. I am pretty much terrified of my community, and not in a “I think they are going to kill me” kind of way, but a “why are they all glaring at me” kind of way, again, I think having a counterpart would have assuaged my fears and I am making small steps towards coming out of my compound to meet people.
Now, I have a short story for you, I hope you like it.
A man pays me a visit about two weeks back. The man is a friend of another volunteer and is really only stopping by at the request of this volunteer. I answer the door and in my misinterpreted French have no idea who he is and do not know who he is friends with, but he is nice. We chat for a bit, blah blah blah, and he says he has to go but he’ll be back later. I am thinking, damn, I think I am done with visitors today, but I don’t want to be rude, he also says, if it is too late, then c’est la vie and I’ll see him around, he won’t come back.
About two hours later, he shows up with his niece. I answer the door, passively say it is too late for visitors, that I am in the middle of eating dinner, and that I am getting up early the next day for whatever. He and his niece say, Bonne, and walk in. Oops. We sit awkwardly in my unfurnished living room, me on the ground with a bowl of instant noodles and they in two of the three plastic lawn chairs I have scattered throughout my house.
The topic turns to university studies, different areas of interest and the like and somehow or another, the topic of the internet comes up. And it become apparent that I am the sole community member in the village with an internet key and working internet, slow internet. The niece very forwardly moves the topic of conversation to her needs as a student at the university and the demanding schedule imbued upon students, all of this leading to, can I borrow your internet key, I have work that must be done.
I laugh awkwardly and say, Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know right now (what a bazaar question). We all sit quietly for maybe 30 seconds to a minute. At this point I notice I have not even touched my dinner, and I am sitting Indian style on the floor, in a dark room with a cold bowl of soup in front of me and…she’s waiting for my response.
OH! Sorry, no…
Then they leave and I never see them again.
The end.
I should add a few lines here about why I am still here and what I am excited about.
Cheese Making
Tofu Making
Business Class Collaborations
Grain and produce storage facilities
Paved roads
Electricity to neighboring villages
These are all of my proposed preliminary ideas of things I would like to accomplish in the next two years. They, for the most part, are attainable, and are keeping me going.
I am learning how to be patient :)
my body is not used to not getting to eat fruits and veggies by the truck load, my only source of protein is eggs, when I can get them, and powdered milk and I think this may be the source of my constant tiredness, as soon as my weight stops fluctuating, I think I will be in better spirits.
I write this blog to share with you where I am and what I am up to, so please, don't worry. Over all I find these small difficulties as a necessity to my service here.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Post time and the last few weeks
This first picture is of the main classroom we use for our tech sessions. I was told it was a pastors house, but he died before they could finish it and now, it is just the empty shell of what would have been a fairly large house.
There is a second floor to this house, but the stairs are blocked off by a fake wall, not shown in this photo.
The next photo is of Rhumsiki, this is the town that is right next to my post. I will be living on the Cameroonian/Nigerian border in a small traditional village called Gouria. The village is comprised of 1500 community members, all of whom work the fields, agriculture, right now, is their source of income.
Rhumsiki is a large tourist hub, I feel lucky to be so close to such a beautiful area, both for the view and the weather. I will be in the extreme north of Cameroon, which, before
With a region called, The Extreme-North, one assumes that... well... the area is probably pretty extreme. Also, all the current volunteers we had met, before actually visiting our posts, were either so covered in dirt and dust they appeared to be permanently grey, or they, for some reason, could only remember that the area is known to get up to 140*F, which, seems, well, frankly just to hot to even survive, let alone visit, let alone live for two years. So, as one can imagine, when I did get to my post and saw THIS, see the above photo which I took as I was moto-ing through the mountains with my counter-part, I was "extremely" happy and am really looking forward to getting to work in one of the most beautiful areas in Cameroon. Did I mention the extreme north was also described as "the gates of hell", this may help you understand why we were a bit reluctant about this area.
This next photo was taken from my "bathroom". I will not be having this view anymore however. After I finished my site visit, a new bigger, nicer house was found for me and I now have an indoor bathroom! SWEET. At the first house, I was waving to the locals as I bathed way to integrate, I suppose.
Well, I think that about wraps it up for me this time. I am hoping to post more on my blog in the future, but we will see. Enjoy the states for and I hope to hear from you all soon.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
ok Hilary, here you go
It is crazy hot here
I dont think i have ever sweated so much
I dont reqlly have a lot to say as of yet
I have been going to trainings for about a week now and i am thoroughly enjoying my classes
I am trying to take this one day at a time
I miss you all very much and
as soon as i get internet on my laptop i will be able to upload pictures and make more of an update than this
I think about you all all of the time and if you feel like calling me...oh i have a cell phone now... you can call me at
011 237 70 83 80 44
I would recomend looking into and set up an account, it only cost .22 a minute this way instead of dollars a minute.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Bon Voyage a moi
I thought it would be important for me to post some relevant information on how you, or anyone, can visit me, or anyone else, in Africa, namely Cameroon.
Visiting Cameroon: Letter to Family and Friends
The following points of information and advice have been compiled from various sources (previous visitors, former Volunteers, staff, etc.) for people planning to visit Peace Corps Volunteers in Cameroon. Visitors and Volunteers have learned that advance planning, communication between the volunteer and visitor, and flexibility are very important aspects of a successful and satisfying trip. We hope that the suggestions and information below will be helpful. You may also wish to consult various travel books such as the Lonely Planet's Africa on a Shoestring and West Africa on a Shoestring or the Rough guide.
Remember: Visitors are not permitted during a Volunteer's pre-service training or during the first three months at post. The best time for visits are after a Volunteer has spent at least six months at post.
Jump to...
- Planning
- Passport
- Visa
- Health
- Money
- Baggage
- Flight Check-in
- Arrival in Douala / Yaounde
- Accommodations
- Photos
- Identification
- Departure
Start planning at least six months before departure since several things have to be done sequentially which can add up to several weeks/months. Keep in mind that communication takes a long time, so arranging the logistics through the mail will require a lot of lead-time. Make sure that the timing of your visit is convenient for the Volunteer you are visiting. A Volunteer's primary obligation is to his/her assignment, so be sure that your visit will not disrupt any work plans. We recommend visits at some point during the second year.
If you do not already have a passport, obtain a passport application and application instructions from a post office or your travel agent. To apply for a passport, you will need the completed application with two passport photos (with your signature on the back of each photo) and the application fee.
To apply for a visa to Cameroon, obtain two application forms from the Cameroonian embassy, 2349 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008 or over the Net; the phone number at the embassy is (202) 265-8790 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 265-8790 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. After completing the applications, send them to the embassy with your passport, two passport photos, W.H.O. records showing the required yellow fever shot (see below), the application fee, and a copy of either your tickets or your detailed flight itinerary, and a bank statement. You may also need to submit a letter of invitation from your Volunteer family member. Peace Corps Cameroon will also provide you with a letter supporting your visa application if your volunteer provides the offices with the details of your visit. You will be issued a single entry visa only, unless you specifically request multiple entry. You must have multiple entry if you plan to leave the country and return during the period of the visa's validity. Be sure to call the Embassy and verify with them that procedures have not changed.
It is our understanding that the Embassy will not return your passport to you unless you send a pre-paid express mail envelope. If you are in the D.C. area, you can pick it up at the embassy.
Separate visas are required for almost all African countries you may plan to visit, except for intermediate stops where you will not go outside the terminal while en route to or from Cameroon. Each embassy requires that you send your passport with the visa application, so you can only apply for one visa at a time.
You can consolidate and expedite your passport and visa applications if necessary by going through a private company that handles it for you for an additional fee of approximately $30 per visa or passport. (Ask a travel agent for details).
A yellow fever vaccination is required. This immunization must be logged in a World Health Organization (W. H. O.) International Certificate of Vaccination. For more information on what additional vaccines, antimalarials or medications are required or recommended, contact your local health board or the Division of Immunization at the Centers for Disease in Atlanta, Georgia, (404) 639-1870 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (404) 639-1870 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or on the Internet at
You should also plan to take anti-malarial prophylactic drugs prior to departure from USA and during your stay in Cameroon. Contact the Malaria Hotline at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, (404)639-1610 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (404)639-1610 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for information on what drug(s) to take and where you can get them.
While in Cameroon, precautions must be taken with food preparation and water treatment. Drink only bottled water in sealed bottles or water that has been filtered and chlorinated or boiled. Vegetables must also be soaked in chlorine if they are not being cooked or peeled.
There are health risks, and the medical facilities in Cameroon are not comparable to facilities in the United States. Peace Corps medical Staff cannot provide care for family members or friends who require medical attention while in Cameroon. We strongly suggest that you consider extra insurance with emergency evacuation coverage from a company such as International SOS Assistance, Inc. (P.O. Box 11568, Philadelphia, PA 19116, 1-800-523-8930 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-523-8930 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or 215-244-1500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 215-244-1500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting in PA).
The currency used in Cameroon is called franc CFA. The franc CFA is fixed to the Euro (656 CFA = 1 Euro; 1 USD is about 400 CFA.) Travelers' checks are safe, but incur exceedingly high commission rates and other charges (up to 25%). Travelers' checks in dollars have also become increasingly difficult to change. You may want to take at least some travelers checks in Euros, since switching dollars to CFA in Yaoundé is usually more expensive than switching dollars to Euros in U.S. and then Euros to CFA in Yaoundé. Some of the big (and expensive) hotels in Yaoundé will accept an American Express or Visa credit card (caution advised). ATMs on the "Plus" system are increasingly available around the country. The best person to answer questions about money (and how much to take) is the Volunteer whom you are planning to visit.
Have all your suitcases locked. On most airlines, you are allowed 2 pieces of baggage (not to exceed 50 lbs. each) per passenger for trips from the United States to Europe, but only 20 kg (44 lbs.) total for intra-European or African flights. Therefore, you may be charged an excess baggage fee for anything over 44 lbs. from Europe to Africa unless you check your baggage through to Africa directly from the U.S. (If you check baggage all the way through, be sure the baggage ticket has all appropriate code letters for the trip; the code for the airport in Douala is DLA, the Yaoundé airport is NSI, and the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris is CDG). Consult your airline or travel agent for further information.
Flight Check-In:
If you fly through Paris, arrive at the check-in counter for the flight to Douala or Yaoundé two hours before take off. They start checking passengers in then and you cannot get a seat assignment until this check-in. The check-in process goes very slowly, so plan to stand in line a long time. They will not allow large carry-on bags.
Arrival in Douala / Yaounde:
You must have both your passport and W.H.O. card for immigration when arriving at the airports in Cameroon. French and some English are spoken at the airport, but it would be best to ask the Volunteer you are visiting to have someone meet you at the airport. You will have to open all bags for inspection. Try to keep all your bags in sight once they come into the baggage area. There will be men vying to carry your bags for payment. Carry your bags yourself if you can. If not, negotiate a price with one person before allowing anyone to take your bags (about 1$ per bag.) If no one is going to meet you at the airport, get instructions ahead of time from the Volunteer on how to take a taxi to your next destination.
Your best source of information about where to stay is the Volunteer whom you are planning to visit. The Yaoundé Hilton presently has a special rate for families and friends of Peace Corps and is recommended by Peace Corps staff, and the Akwa Palace Hotel in Douala gives a Peace Corps discount as does the Parfait Garden.
Photos:
Select a thumbnail to view the larger photo.
Select a thumbnail to view the larger photo.
Picture taking is fine, in general, but you should always ask permission before taking anyone's photograph. Photos are never allowed at the airport or any military installation, so please keep your camera concealed when near these locations.
During the course of your stay in Cameroon, you will have to show your passport to the police several times, so you must carry it with you in a safe place at all times. It is sometimes convenient to have a certified photocopy of your passport to present to officials. Your volunteer will know how to do this.
Presently, you must pay a departure tax of 10,000 CFA at the Douala or Yaoundé airport before boarding. Check ahead of time, as this tax needs to be paid in local currency, and most likely you would need the exact amount.
Visiting Cameroon: Airlines and Travel Agencies
Following is a list of airline companies that have service to and from Cameroon, train companies operating in Cameroon for in-country travel, and recommended travel agencies for booking assistance. The country code for calling Cameroon is +237.
Airline Companies
- Air France Douala 33-42-15-55 / 33-42-80-20 / 33-42-21-26
- Air France Reservation 33-01-12-79 / 33-01-12-75
- Air France Yaounde 22-21-35-18 / 22-21-35-19
- Air France Fret 22-22-93-28
- Air Gabon Douala 33-42-49-43
- Air Maroc Douala 33-42-38-24 FAX / 33-42-53-00
- Virgin Nigeria 33-42-76-28 / 75-29-22-24
- Air Ivoire Douala 33-42-06-95
- Cameroon Airlines YDE 22-23-32-63 / 22-23-40-01 / 22-22-80-96
- Cameroon Airlines Douala 33-42-25-25 / 33-42-44-15 / 33-42-49-49 / 33-42-32-22
- Ethiopian Airlines Douala 33-43-02-46 / 99-56-26-73 / (BOSS) 99-79-42-29
- Globe Air Yaounde 22-21-39-93 / 22-21-39-94 / 22-21-39-95
- Kenya Airways Yaounde 22-22-82-41 / 77-73-04-54
- Kenya Airways Douala 33-43-94-96 / 33-43-94-98 / 99-68-25-64
- SN Brussels Yaounde 22-23-47-29 / 22-23-47-35 / FAX: 22-23-47-40
- SN Brussels Douala 33-42-05-15 / 33-42-72-03 / FAX: 33-42-60-74
- Swiss International Yaounde 22-23-94-52 / 22-22-97-37 / 99-50-48-61
- Swiss International Douala 3-42-29-29 / 33-42-29-88
- Toumai Air Chad Douala 75-22-60-03 / 94-12-30-19 / 33-43-01-22
- Toumai Air Chad Yaounde 22-03-56-67 / 74-88-81-53 / 94-12-30-19
- Trans Air Congo Douala 99-17-07-91
- Nsimalen Airport Yaounde 22-23-36-02 / 22-23-06-11
- NACAM, P.O. Box 12289 DLA 33-43-92-67 / 33-43-92-57;
- NACAM Yaounde 22-22-87-19 / 20-33-03-33 / 20-33-03-98
- NACAM Ngaoundere 33-03-32-09
- NACAM Garoua 33-03-32-10
- NACAM Maroua 33-03-32-08
- Elysian Airlines Yaounde 22-03-89-71 / 33-03-46-47
- Elysian Airlines Garoua 22-15-67-87 / 22-15-51-31
- Elysian Airlines FAX 33-01-43-20
- Afriqiyah 22-21-39-95 / 22-22-66-10
- Afriqiyah FAX 22-23-53-35 / 22-21-39-94
Train Company
- Cam Rail Yaounde22-22-81-06 / 22-22-81-07
- Cam Rail Douala33-40-60-45 / 33-40-49-40
- Cam Rail Ngaoundere22-25-10-98 / 22-25-12-30 / 22-25-12-71
Travel Agencies
Address: B. P. 639 Yaounde, Cameroon
Location: opposite AES SONEL NLONGKAK
Phone: 22 21 51 24
FAX: 22 21 56 23
Address: B. P. 1750 Yaounde, Cameroon
Location: Immeuble la Marseille Plus Capitol
Phone: 22-22-14-24 / 75-27-95-95 / 22-22-14-18 (direct line Chief of Station)
Address: B.P. 13256 Douala, Cameroon
Location: opposite AES SONEL NLONGKAK
Phone: 33-43-61-18 / 33-43/61-19 / 99-27-41-42 / 94-61-63-63
Email: /
Contact: Mr. Jakey Punjabi and Om Asnani - AIGLE VOYAGES, YAOUNDE / CARLSON WAGON LIT TRAVEL
Address: P.O. BOX 16375 Yaounde, Cameroon
Location: Avenue Valery Giscard d'Estaign, Opposite Boulangerie Calafatas
Phone: 22-23-33-79 / 22-22-17-31
Cell Phone: 99-95-11-05
FAX: 22-23-33-82
Website: Contact: Herve Dimou (77-59-70-49), Sylvie NdongoTel (96-22-76-52) - AIGLE VOYAGES, DOUALA
Address: P.O. BOX 5336, Douala, Cameroon
Location: 550 Rue des Ecoles
Phone: 33-43-11-83 / 33-43-97-08
FAX: 33-42-85-53
Address: B.P. 6561, Yaounde, Cameroon
Location: Carrefour Warda Immeuble Hajal Center, Door No. 110
Phone: 22-23-27-70 / 22-23-88-73
FAX: 22-23-27-70
Address: B.P. 4911, Douala, Cameroon
Location: 86 Boulevard de la Liberte, Immeuble Socar, Entrance B
Phone: 33-42-21-09 / 33-43-23-85
FAX: 22-23-27-70
Contact: MR. LITOMBO, 77-70-68-41
Visiting Cameroon: Regions of Cameroon
Following is a list of places to visit in each of the 10 regions of Cameroon.
Jump to...
- Southwest Region
- Northwest Region
- West Region
- Littoral Region
- Center Region
- South Region
- East Region
- Adamaoua Region
- North Region
- Extreme North Region
Southwest Region
Limbe City, The Port of Idenau, Botanical Garden, Rescue Centre (Zoo), the Solidified, Lava of March 1999 Mount Cameroon Volcanic Erruption, Debunsha Beach, Bimbia, The Slave Route and the earlest Missionaries in Cameroon, Alfred Saker Camp (Church and School), Buea , Mount Cameroon Ring Road, Trekking in Mount Cameroon, Von Putkammer's, Residence, suspended bridge in Konye.
Northwest Region
Bamenda city: Bafut Kingdom, Mankon Museum, the Bamenda Fort, Excursion on the ring road, Awing village and lake, Sabga and its mountanous landscape.
West Region
Excursion Chiefdom route (Bana, Bafang, Banka, Bachingou...) Bandjoun Chiefdon and its museum, Baham Chiefdom and museum, Mouakeu waterfalls in Bafang, Metchie waterfalls in Bafoussam, Lake Baleng, Bameka Chiefdom and mountain, White queen in Bagante, Foumban Palace and museum, Petpenoun lake, Mount Bamboutos, Ecotourism village Tockem, Mami Water falls, Climatic Center, Traditional dances (Nguoun Feast of Ramadam, Festival Medumba, Nekang, Menoua art....)
Littoral Region
Ekom Nkam falls, Douala town (monuments, colonial building, chiefdom), Edea town, Dizangue, Manoka Island, Souelaba Island, visit Abo villages, Visit Melong town, trekkings in Mount Manengouva to visit the twin lakes.
Center Region
Yaounde town (Monument, Administrative services, Zoo, Garden and Park), Mount Febe, Mbalmayo and its environs, Akono seminary, Mefou National Park, Art and Craft production centre, the Mvili bridge, the Mbalmayo ring road, Ebogo, Ecotourism centre, excursion and discovering big Mbam, Natchigal falls, Visit colonial vestiges in Bafia, Akonolinga and environs.
South Region
Meyomessala town, Rock farm, Mvokmeka (President Village), Ndonkol with agricultural town, the Mezesse rock, Lake Dissono in Sangmelima, Sangmelima town, Djoum village, the Mengame Gorilla Sanctuary, Ebolowa town, Municipal Lake, Visit Kye Ossi market, visit Ambam town, frontier town and crossroad to 3 countries, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon. Kribi, Lobe waterfalls, Pigmies camp, museum of Luma, Beaches and Port.
East Region
Bertoua town, Dja biosphere reserve, discovering Lomie town, Lobeke National Park.
Adamaoua Region
Forragain lake, Gaoundaba ranch, meet the indigens of Dibi, Stay with the pigmies at Mayos, Visit Lamidat, Natchigal falls, Crater Lake at Tyson, Tello falls.
North Region
Benoue National Park, Crocodile ponds in the river Benouepoli town, Mount Atlantika, Differents markets (Ngong figuil, Guider, Rey Bouba, Pitoa), Faro National Park, Bouba Njinda National Park.
Extreme North Region
Maroua town, Handicraft market, Ngaoundere lake, Waza National Park, Tracks of dinosaurs at Bidzer, The Superimposed stones at Moutourwoua, Goulfey museum, Sultanate of Kousseri with the Kotoko and Sao Museum, the Fort foureau monument, Lake Chad, Tourou market, Kapsiti village and Rhumsiki village.
So...I know that was a mouth-full of information, I have yet to read it all yet :(
But I do look forward to many of you coming to visit me over the next few years.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Gearing up and Getting ready for Cameroon.
Until I leave, I will use this as a source to update myself/others about my moment to moment excitement/fear of moving so very far away from you all.
I'm going to miss everyone, but...I think I make friends pretty easily, so, although I'll try not to replace anyone, I may not have room for all of you in my brain at one time, so please be patient with me and try to understand that I'm moving to a new country, starting a new job, learning and mastering the
So don't be a stranger and send me some yummy/useful care packages while I'm away...AND best of all come and visit me in the Africa in Miniature country, Cameroon!
This is a picture taken from my new room, I'm living on Ocean View and Soquel for the next two months as I prepare to leave.