VAC and PSN, Yaounde- Cameroon
I am currently in Yaunde doing meetings for various commitees. I also got to be part of a round table discussion with American Ambassador of Cameroon, which is pretty awesome (I also get to have dinner with him and some other volunteers in the Extreme-North Capital next week).
I am currently in Yaunde doing meetings for various commitees. I also got to be part of a round table discussion with American Ambassador of Cameroon, which is pretty awesome (I also get to have dinner with him and some other volunteers in the Extreme-North Capital next week).
I wanted to do this blog because Yaounde is unlike other cities in Cameroon. It is the second largest city behind Douala, as well as the capital of the country.
Here are some pictures I took out of the taxi today:
VAC= Volunteer Action Commitee, Volunteer Advisory Commitee, Volunteer Analysis Commitee... I have not gotten a name for this commitee yet, only guesses from the volunteers that are on the commitee with myself. I think I may have already blogged aboutt his in the past, but I wanted to do an update because I am currently in the Capital of Cameroon, Yaounde, and well here we are.
PSN= Peer Support Network
This ones easy. We are available to all other vonlunteers if they feel they need some one to talk to in confidence.
This is what we look like-
Until the next time!
Martin Case